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CAFL - Match Day #1
14/03/20 - 02:00 PM
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14/03/20 - 02:00 PM
Complete this form with your details and we’ll follow up in a WhatsApp chat to let you know about upcoming trainings and events.
18/01/20 - 01:00 PM
Our first training back for 2020 - will be a big family friendly day as we lay out our plan for our biggest year yet. We plan to run a domestic league, host foreign teams, and potentially compete in a tournament in the US. Come along and bring a friend.
14/03/20 - 02:00 PM
This year our “CAFL” (Colombian Australian Football League) will be conducted by monthly “match days.” Each team will play two short games - of 2x20minute halves.
Arrive for a 2pm start to the first match and enjoy an afternoon of footy and friendship. New players and people can be assigned to teams on the day. Playing positions given to players who have trained and paid their membership!
Access to the ground is easy via Transmilenio. Get along.
I am pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque tincidunt cursus efficitur. Maecenas nec enim eget est rutrum tempus ac in lectus. Praesent sodales fringilla neque, nec tristique ex dignissim sit amet. Nulla placerat blandit elit.
Morbi ac enim at est aliquam dictum. Etiam dignissim sem non mattis aliquet. Cras fermentum felis quis rhoncus faucibus. Nulla arcu dolor, tincidunt et metus eu, ultrices dignissim orci. Phasellus ac sem sed dolor ornare ultrices. Pellentesque lobortis sed enim sed tempus. Aliquam gravida viverra eros, elementum imperdiet dolor faucibus in. Nunc non nunc mauris. Sed in tellus euismod, hendrerit risus sit amet, mattis purus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vehicula pulvinar semper. Vivamus id sapien malesuada, feugiat massa id, dapibus ipsum. Aliquam nec rutrum arcu, vitae cursus ipsum. Praesent lobortis nisi magna, vitae pretium dolor vulputate ac. Sed a volutpat velit. Phasellus vel felis tristique, aliquam neque sed, luctus elit. Quisque hendrerit, nunc non pharetra mattis, nulla lorem euismod lacus, a suscipit quam justo in tortor.
Mauris faucibus lorem at eleifend pharetra. Donec varius justo a metus imperdiet sagittis. Cras porttitor ultrices augue et vehicula. Vestibulum venenatis nulla vitae sapien auctor pellentesque. Aenean vitae fermentum justo, nec lobortis elit. Vivamus ultrices luctus ante, vel dictum erat condimentum a. In posuere justo in neque vulputate sodales. Pellentesque ultrices erat ut purus pretium, luctus ultrices orci ultrices. Praesent at lacinia neque. Ut malesuada dolor tincidunt, lobortis sapien id, egestas augue. Nullam nibh augue, aliquet eget ex non, auctor gravida ligula. Phasellus eros enim, egestas auctor dictum at, ultrices ac erat.
I am pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Quisque tincidunt cursus efficitur. Maecenas nec enim eget est rutrum tempus ac in lectus. Praesent sodales fringilla neque, nec tristique ex dignissim sit amet. Nulla placerat blandit elit.
Morbi ac enim at est aliquam dictum. Etiam dignissim sem non mattis aliquet. Cras fermentum felis quis rhoncus faucibus. Nulla arcu dolor, tincidunt et metus eu, ultrices dignissim orci. Phasellus ac sem sed dolor ornare ultrices. Pellentesque lobortis sed enim sed tempus. Aliquam gravida viverra eros, elementum imperdiet dolor faucibus in. Nunc non nunc mauris. Sed in tellus euismod, hendrerit risus sit amet, mattis purus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris vehicula pulvinar semper. Vivamus id sapien malesuada, feugiat massa id, dapibus ipsum. Aliquam nec rutrum arcu, vitae cursus ipsum. Praesent lobortis nisi magna, vitae pretium dolor vulputate ac. Sed a volutpat velit. Phasellus vel felis tristique, aliquam neque sed, luctus elit. Quisque hendrerit, nunc non pharetra mattis, nulla lorem euismod lacus, a suscipit quam justo in tortor.
Mauris faucibus lorem at eleifend pharetra. Donec varius justo a metus imperdiet sagittis. Cras porttitor ultrices augue et vehicula. Vestibulum venenatis nulla vitae sapien auctor pellentesque. Aenean vitae fermentum justo, nec lobortis elit. Vivamus ultrices luctus ante, vel dictum erat condimentum a. In posuere justo in neque vulputate sodales. Pellentesque ultrices erat ut purus pretium, luctus ultrices orci ultrices. Praesent at lacinia neque. Ut malesuada dolor tincidunt, lobortis sapien id, egestas augue. Nullam nibh augue, aliquet eget ex non, auctor gravida ligula. Phasellus eros enim, egestas auctor dictum at, ultrices ac erat.
Travis is a hospitality and services entrepreneur. He has also played a leading role in the growth of Australian culture and sport in Colombia, mainly through AFL, Cricket and international language sharing events.
Travis is a hospitality and services entrepreneur. He has also played a leading role in the growth of Australian culture and sport in Colombia, mainly through AFL, Cricket and international language sharing events.
Paddy is an independent Professional English coach for Business Executives at large companies in Bogota, namely law firms and banking institutions. He is currently entering the world of Colombian tourism as manager of the Bogotá Craft Beer Tour. Paddy has been involved as a player and committee member at numerous successful cricket and football clubs throughout Melbourne and his home region of Gippsland.
Paddy is an independent Professional English coach for Business Executives at large companies in Bogota, namely law firms and banking institutions. He is currently entering the world of Colombian tourism as manager of the Bogotá Craft Beer Tour. Paddy has been involved as a player and committee member at numerous successful cricket and football clubs throughout Melbourne and his home region of Gippsland.
Alex is a communications and political strategist who has worked with US Senators, the former Mayor of Bogotá, the former Vice President of Colombia, the Lord Mayor Sydney, and several Australian Ministers and backbenchers on digital and electoral campaign strategy.
Alex is a communications and political strategist who has worked with US Senators, the former Mayor of Bogotá, the former Vice President of Colombia, the Lord Mayor Sydney, and several Australian Ministers and backbenchers on digital and electoral campaign strategy.
James is the founder and head teacher of Speak to Me! Language Services. Over the past 3 years he has created language courses focused on the beginner and basic levels, becoming an expert in taking clients wanting to learn English and Spanish from 0 level to conversational in the shortest time possible. His clients include both the general public and corporate clients.
James is the founder and head teacher of Speak to Me! Language Services. Over the past 3 years he has created language courses focused on the beginner and basic levels, becoming an expert in taking clients wanting to learn English and Spanish from 0 level to conversational in the shortest time possible. His clients include both the general public and corporate clients.